Featured Project
Tourism Digital Campaign
Case Study 1: Google Adwords campaign for destination
This campaign was run for 4 months and delivered the following results:
8,740 visitors of which 75.59% were new site visitors based
Investment of $4,485 via Adwords
This equated to a cost per click of only $0.51
The ads were displayed 1,149,749 times during the campaign
The quality of Adwords visitors were deemed a higher quality than other sources
These results show that AdWords delivered quality traffic to the site in terms of time on site and average pages with an extremely low bounce rate. AdWords also contributed a quarter of the overall site traffic for the period it was running.
Example B: Campaign promoting packages
Created a campaign specific website to promote packages during a winter campaign. This proved to be quite difficult to generate conversions due to the competitiveness of the market. However, the digital campaign viaAdwords proved to be more effective than traditional advertising as the cost per click demonstrates.
Campaign summary included:
Adword spend = $6,544.66
5763 visitors which contributed to 69% of the traffic at a Cost per click of $1.59
Compared to traditional advertising, the cost per click was over $25