Digital Communication Strategy
The core of ‘next-gen’ 21st century political campaigning revolves around digital media. On its face this technology might appear straightforward, but in reality, digital media are so revolutionary that their potential is widely misunderstood and under-utilised.
But worry not, because help is on the way. Alesia’s sophisticated merger of digital smarts and political smarts will enable you to micro-target specific audiences with messaging that remains fresh and relevant over time.
At Alesia we’ve pretty much seen it all while serving in political, media and policy advisor roles to Cabinet Ministers in Canberra and the Republican Congressional Leadership in Washington D.C. And the razor-sharp political nous we’ve developed along the way will help you to emerge as the victor rather than the vanquished.
Alesia offers a unique marriage of technical smarts and political savvy that enables us to craft micro-targeted issues-based messaging campaigns that are fine-tuned to maximise political impact on specific geographic, demographic and interest-group audiences.
Media Relations & Crisis Communications
At Alesia we like to play offence – which means aiming for dominance over the news cycle through a pro-active media relations strategy that seeks to have YOUR story told YOUR way according to YOUR timetable. We’ll work hard to put you in a position to influence the form and substance of political news coverage. For when you dominate the agenda your opposition is reduced to what we call the “yes, but …” syndrome. In essence, this state of affairs means you’ve manoeuvred your opponents into fighting a defensive battle on political turf of your choosing. And every minute they spend reacting to your agenda is a minute they can’t spend advancing their own.
At Alesia we offer a comprehensive understanding of political, parliamentary and legislative processes acquired through extensive experience as a political advisor and policy strategist for Cabinet Ministers and US Congressional leaders responsible for a variety of portfolio areas.
Not only do we understand how the wheels of government turn, but in many cases we’re personally acquainted with the hands doing the turning. And we know how to ‘peel the onion’ by looking beyond the obvious to discern hidden issues and behind-the-scenes agendas that invariably dominate politics.
Political speechwriting is the art of storytelling infused with purpose. It’s an exercise of political theatre that should simultaneously entertain, inform and inspire, all at the same time. This is a skill we’ve perfected over many years through crafting words for delivery by Cabinet ministers and senior business leaders. We’re expert researchers and have a refined ear for political ‘tone’ that ensures those words are tailored to match both speaker and audiences alike. Our work presents incisive and persuasive arguments that respect political sensitivities and are a challenge to rebut. And as a result, over the years Alesia’s wordsmithing has become well respected within parliamentary circles for its rhetorical power and its eloquence.
Alesia offers a unique fusion of social media smarts and political acumen that will turn us into your own personal digital advertising Don Draper. We’ll enhance your brand with pithy copywriting that produces smart, memorable slogans and tag lines that run via Google AdWords and YouTube advertising. And we’ll use consumer results from these ad campaigns to support market intelligence and research that will refine and improve your messaging and political strategy.
At Alesia we begin by studying the political terrain over which your campaign will be fought until we know it like the back of our hands. And once we’re steeped in the knowledge of the lay of your land, we devise the optimal social media strategy to help you dominate the battlefield of ideas. Then we work with your staff, training them to ensure that your campaign posts just the right material at just the right time-of-day to reap the biggest bang possible for your social media buck.